Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New Blog....up and running!

      Check out the new blog for Abigail.  I decided to design a new blog, without changing the old one.  Eventually I want to turn the old blog into a book!!  

    New website address... bookmark it!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

First Outing as a Family!

       Other than a few walks to Whole Foods or the AT&T store, the Johnson Family had our first big outing together on Sunday, August 30th.  I first took Abigail to her first Orioles game, where I had time to catch up with some other baseball moms and share stories, while Abigail got to take in her Daddy's seventh save of the season.  Go Daddy!     
       After the game, the Orioles hosted a Family Day for players and their families.  There was tons of food, goodies for the kids, and jerseys for everyone to wear.  They even had a onesie made for Abigail that has Johnson #43 on the back.  It was way too big, but she will grow into it for next season!  It was a fun time to just hang out, talk, and spend time together on a beautiful Sunday afternoon with such great friends.  Jim and I are truly blessed to be part of such a family oriented baseball team.
Jim was so proud to show off his little girl. 

Abigail didn't do much other than sleep ... maybe she'll enjoy Family Day a little more next year! :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sweet Baby ....

      Here are some latest pictures.... I promise to get better with blogging.  With more sleep, I'm having more time to do it!  

Abigail is such a small bundle of joy!  
This is how she spent her time inside .... all curled up :)

Peaceful sleeper ...


Abby likes to have her hands crossed and legs all tangled up!

She does wake up!!! And suck her thumb :)

Abigail's Birth Story

     It all started on Monday, August 17th.  I woke up early that morning not feeling well and finding it hard to stand up straight.  I was having contractions, but not that close together and had a lot of back pain.  I also hadn't felt Abby move since the evening before, which really made me nervous since I knew her movement patterns so well at this point in the pregnancy.  After talking to Jim, I decided to call the doctor for advice.  Dr. Penn said to go ahead to the hospital, that he would meet me there to see what's going on.   Jim had to head into the ballpark, so I drove to the hospital where I met my Mom.  
      Right away, the nurse was able to find Abigail's heartbeat and she was monitored for 20 minutes.  Everything looked and sounded great!  Dr. Penn then came in and I was STILL only 1 cm dilated and about 85% effaced.  He said to go ahead back home and come in when the contractions or the uncomfortableness got worse.  I was glad everything was okay, but shocked that this was a false alarm.
      Later that afternoon, I started to feel a little better so I decided to go to the baseball game, thinking it would probably be my last game for a while.  My Dad, Heather, and Emily came along and were the first ones to witness my labor pains!  Throughout the whole game, I felt contractions and more pain.  I was sure at this point that something was going on, but kept fighting through it... wanting to be able to say bye to Jim after the game, since he was off to Tampa to start a long, 9 day road trip.  
      After waiting to say my goodbye, I headed back to my parents house so I could get some sleep and hopefully feel better.  At about midnight, I woke my parents up and said "It's time to go!"  My Mom and Jen drove me to the hospital, where I was admitted.... I was in labor!  So the second trip to the hospital in the same day.... wasn't a false alarm!  Dr. Penn had me walk around and drink water for an hour straight and this just made the pain intensify.  Sure enough, it put me right into active labor.
     I called Jim around 1:30am, just as he arrived in Tampa to tell him he needed to get a flight back that we were having a baby!!  He got a flight out at 5:30 am.  While waiting for things to progress, I was given some sleeping medication that made me pretty silly.  I just remember my Mom laughing as I was falling asleep.  Who knows what I was saying to her or the nurse, but THANK YOU.... I couldn't feel the pain and I got some rest before it all began.
      I woke up that morning on August 18th and things started to progress on their own.  However, not at a fast pace.  Dr. Penn had to leave and Dr. Keith was taking over his shift.  I had never met this doctor so it was awkward at first, but she was wonderful!  My water was then broken and I was put on petocin to speed things along.  I received the epidural early on ... thanks to my low pain tolerance! Jim arrived at the hospital around noon, in plenty of time!  
     Over the next several hours, Jim stayed by my side and helped me get through the pain.  He did a wonderful job. At 4:15 pm Dr. Keith said it was time to start pushing and that Abigail was right there.  She didn't think it would take as long as it did... but almost 3 hours later, at 6:43 pm, little Abigail Grace was born!  What a special moment to share with Jim.  We both shed some tears and were amazed that we could bring this sweet little baby into this world.  I was very thankful to have the nurse that I did.  She sweat just as much as I did (the air conditioner shut off halfway through), pushed everytime I pushed, and she actually said it best herself... When my family came in to see us, she said "We all had a baby in here tonight!"
      Abigail was then taken to the NICU to check on some things.  She was very pale and lethargic when she was first born.  The doctors just wanted to make sure things were okay.  Two hours later, she was brought back to us with news that everything was fine!  

Friday, August 21, 2009

Welcome to the World sweet Abigail Grace!

      There will be so much to write about the birth of our beautiful baby.  However, that will have to wait, as I'm about to take a quick nap while Abby is off in dreamland.  Gotta get some rest sometime...... Here are just a few pictures already taken of the baby! More to come soon...

Introducing Abigail Grace Johnson
Born on August 18, 2009 at 6:43 p.m.
6 pounds 1 ounce; 19 inches 

Abigail has Daddy's long toes!

The most incredible moment of my life.  First family picture moments after birth.

Proud parents right after birth.

Our little peanut ready to go home from the hospital.  Look at all the hair :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Just checking in ...

Dear Abigail,
      Here we are.... full term at 37 weeks!  I can't believe you've gone from the size of a poppy seed to the size (weight) of a watermelon.  You've come a long way in preparing for your life outside the womb.
      I went to the doctors on Wednesday, at exactly 37 weeks and no progress had been made since the week before.  I am still 1 cm dilated and 80% effaced, which still can change quickly or take a few weeks.  We'll wait for you to decide when the time is right!  I have been feeling the same since last week, a lot of pressure and cramping, more and more Braxton Hicks contractions.  Just waiting for the real deal .... Earlier this week, I treated myself to a wonderful pedicure.  It felt great to sit back and relax and now my feet are ready for delivery! Daddy said it was a good idea for me to get pampered a bit, I think partially so he didn't have to do it, although he did say he would!  Brownie points, either way.  It must have been a good pedicure too because the first thing the doctor noticed this week was my toes!! :) 
      Daddy leaves on Tuesday for a long road trip.  I hope you stay settled a little longer so he will be home when you decide to make your way into this world.  I pray that if he is away, he has enough time to get back home to us.  
      Our whole family, lots of friends, and especially me and Daddy are so anxious and excited to meet you.  Stay healthy and strong... we'll see you soon!  

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Did I hear you right doc??

Dear Abigail,
     Here we are at 36 weeks.... and you may be ready to make your grand entrance into this world! Lately I have been feeling cramping and a lot of pressure as you push your way down.  At our appointment today, the doctor said I was 1 cm dilated and 80% effaced.   Yikes!  I certainly didn't expect to hear this news, but was excited of course!  Dr. Edwards said some women stay this way for a few weeks, while others progress a lot faster.  She did say it would be a good idea to pack my hospital bag and to start watching for certain signs that may indicate active labor.  She also said you have dropped a lot and that your head is very low.  With my size and your position, Dr. Edwards doesn't think it will be too long  - she said you will be here before my due date!!  Yay!  I have also lost two pounds since my last visit, which I have come to find happens often before your delivery.  
      I will go back to the doctors a week from today and we will check the progress and possibly schedule an induction so that we can be sure Daddy will be in town.  We are so very anxious to meet you and hopefully it will be soon!  Just stay in there a while longer little one, Daddy will be home from Toronto Sunday night.  Mommy and Daddy want to be able to meet you together.  :)  

dilating.gif dilating image by scribbles1995

Last but not least!

     On Monday night, Abigail and I had our last shower!  Jim and I are truly blessed to be part of such a wonderful baseball family.  I couldn't believe all the wonderful food, decorations, and generous gifts we received.  It was such a fun time... great timing since the guys were on the road.  The ladies definitely deserved a girls night in! :)  Here are some pics taken from the evening.

Wow... so generous.  Love the clothesline in the back ... 
Tara did such a good job! 

Me, Baubi, Diana, Cortney & Hannah

Great time with great friends! :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

5 weeks ... 5 weeks!

Dear Abigail,
      I still cannot believe I am 35 weeks today!  You are over five pounds now, leaving you with even less space to move around.  That doesn't mean I don't feel you though, you are good at letting me know you are safe and snug.  Your kidneys are completely developed now and your liver is processing some waste products.  Physical development is complete at this point, so from here on out, you are just gaining weight ... which will show on your Mommy! Lucky me! :)
      It seems as though I've come back to the tired phase where I get worn out easily.  I'm resting as much as I can, whenever I can!  As much as I don't want to admit it, some days my feet have been swollen and my rings are getting tight!  Uh-oh!! Heartburn is getting worse and worse, but Tums still help ease that annoyance.  I've been noticing more Braxton Hicks contractions, usually when I've been walking a lot or on my feet for a long period of time.  When I lay down or rest, they subside... so all is good!  
      I have definitely gone into the "nesting" phase too.  I have organized and reorganized your closet about twenty times and I have one more shower to go, so I'm not done yet!  I just love looking through your clothes, toys, blankets.... anything.  I can't stop smiling whenever I'm going through your things.   
      It's amazing to think we have come this far and with each day that passes I get more and more excited to meet you and hold you in my arms.  Keep growing strong and healthy little one.  Daddy and I love you!

Here are some pictures to show one of my "nesting" projects.  I made dividers for Abigail's closet.  Why do I need them?  Who knows, but they are cute!

Looks just like a mini boutique in Abby's closet....

Thursday, July 23, 2009

6 weeks, really?!

Dear Abigail,
     Where is the time going?  I can't believe I am 34 weeks, 1 day.  6 weeks to go sounds like nothing!  You are now just over 19 inches long and weigh almost 5 pounds.  Your hair continues to get longer and thicker and you have shed most of the lanugo that was covering your body for protection.  Fingernails have now grown over your fingertips, so be careful not to scratch yourself!
      I'm starting to feel more and more pregnant each day.  You are moving all around, kicking my ribs and bladder, and I'm just now beginning to feel your weight pushing down.  I am not complaining though ... not yet.  I'm still having the daily heartburn, leg cramps, and numbness in my right leg when I move too quickly, walk a lot, or bend down.  Like the doctor said before, it's not normal, but it's common.  I guess you like to sit on a nerve that triggers my leg to feel asleep!
     Mommy and Daddy had a busy weekend in New York City.  I left on Sunday night, by train and got home last night.  I saw your Daddy play in the new Yankee stadium, which was exciting ... although we didn't win a game while we were there.  Your favorite part of the trip was the Lion King Musical on Broadway.  I have never felt you move around as much as you did during this show.  It was nonstop dancing, kicking, moving from start to finish.  Did you like the loud music?  I plan on buying the Lion King Soundtrack so you can listen to it along with Mommy!  
     Tomorrow, I have our next check-up so I can see what's going on with you.  Keep growing strong and healthy for us and we'll be seeing you soon.  I'm going to go take my vitamin, drink some water, and rest up for you.  Goodnight!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Do dogs know?

      For the past month or so, Max has become super protective and cuddly with his Mommy.  Yes, that would be me.  I couldn't help but to take a picture of Max laying on my baby bump tonight.  It was the sweetest thing!!  I really think he knows something is going on, maybe he doesn't know what exactly, but he knows something is changing.  He loves his baby sister already!  Maybe we should get Max this shirt ..... what do you think?!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dear Baby Honeydew...

Dear Abigail,
     33 weeks yesterday.... 7 weeks to go!  During the eighth month of pregnancy, you are about the size of a honeydew.  You weigh about 4.4 pounds now and measure about 19.4 inches in total length.  With the exception of crying, you are capable of doing everything that a newborn baby will do.  You are in birth position already, as we saw last week in your ultrasound.  
      I still feel you kicking and moving all around.  It's starting to get more uncomfortable at times as you keep growing.  Heartburn and back pain are the biggest symptoms for me now.  Lately, my right leg has been falling asleep if I stand up or bend down too quickly.  I talked to my doctor about this and was assured that although it's not normal, it's not uncommon.  
      I am excited to see you again tomorrow at our follow-up 4D ultrasound.  I hope this time we are able to get some clearer shots, but we'll see.  I will be happy to see you no matter what!  Keep growing strong and healthy little one ... Mommy and Daddy are constantly getting things ready for your arrival! :)

Abigail's Shower

      This past Sunday, Abigail and I had our second shower.  It was thrown by my Aunt Kay, sisters Jen and Heather, and niece Emily.  Everything was beautiful... the decorations, the food arrangements, the cake, and all the lovely gifts!  
      We had a fun time playing shower games including unscrambling baby items or phrases and tasting baby food to guess what flavor.  I'm thinking about making my own baby food after tasting some of those yucky flavors!  Everyone was also given a clothespin at the start of the shower and whenever someone said the word "baby" you got to take their clothespins.  At the end, the person with the most won a prize.  Needless to say, my clothespins were gone really fast! 
      Abigail received a lot of gifts and will be one very well-dressed baby!!  From cute clothes, socks, books, toys, crib sheets, diapers.... well you name it, we got it!! I'm very thankful to be such a part of such a thoughtful and caring family.  
      Here are just a few pictures to highlight the day.  If you are on Facebook, check out even more! :)

Stephanie, Gracie, Emily, Heather, me, Jen, and Mama

Diaper Cake created by my sister Jen!  Impressive!

Favors ... tiny footprint soaps

Fruit Baby Carriage

Yummy Cake! 

Gram and Me :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Abigail ... 32 weeks 2 days! :)

      It was such a neat experience to see baby Abby this far along in the pregnancy.  It's so amazing what technology can do these days!  Jen, Heather, Justin, and Emily went with me and Jim to see our little girl in action.  We went to Baby to Be Imaging in Annapolis, where friends of ours had a great experience with their little boy.
      Abigail proved to be quite cramped inside, with not much room to move around.  She loves her hands and had them on her face or in her mouth the whole time!!  Shy or just playing peek-a-boo with us, she wasn't very cooperative, but we still got some good photos.  It was great to see her healthy heart fluttering away, her eyes wide open, yawning, and stretching.  
      Since Abby was playing hide-and-seek most of the time, we were invited back next week to see if we can get some clearer shots.  Hopefully my placenta won't be in the way and she will take those hands away!!  I'm just excited to get to see her again... I'll take it!  More pics to come....

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

32 weeks... 8 to go!

Dear Baby Abigail,
       You are steadily growing and each day I am amazed when I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror.  Sometimes it just makes me laugh... I'm growing right along with you!  At this stage, your toenails and fingernails have formed and you now have real hair.  I often think about what color hair and how much hair you will have when you are born.  We'll see! 
       Now that you are growing so quickly, you are losing space to squirm all around.  However, I am able to feel you more and more because of this.  I'm still getting those kicks in the ribs and some uncomfortable pressure off and on.  I enjoy and love every minute of this.  It's still my favorite part of pregnancy and every time I feel you, I am reminded that in just eight or so weeks, I will be able to hold this precious little one that has been growing inside me for so long. 
        I continue to have heartburn.... it never goes away!  My lower back has been sore and I've found that swimming helps a great deal.  So not only am I getting some exercise, but it really helps ease the pain.  I've been a bit tired lately and my sleep at night isn't as good as it used to be.  It seems that you like to move all around during my sleep time! 
       Daddy comes home tonight from Seattle and we have a busy, but fun week ahead of us.  Tomorrow we have our 32 week check-up and a tour of the hospital!  If reality hasn't set in that I'm going to be delivering a baby soon, it will hit tomorrow for sure.  :)  On Friday, we will get to see you in 4D!!! Aunt Jen, Aunt Heather, and your cousin Emily are going along so they can share in this special moment with us.  Grandad and Grandma Rowland want to wait and see you for the first time when you are born... I guess they are looking forward to that surprise!  Me, on the other hand, have been counting down the days for this moment for a while now! 
       Keep growing strong and healthy for us ... Grandad Rowland already says you are and jokes with me that you are going to be a 12 pound baby.  No way Grandad! :)

Here are pictures of Jim's Father's Day gift.  Abby will be so cute dressed in Orioles gear at a game this September! :)  The bow was made by a friend of mine - check out her site. !!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

9 weeks to go!

Dear Abigail,
     You must have had a growth spurt this week because Mommy's belly is really starting to show it!  At 31 weeks, you are about 18 inches long and weigh about 3.5 pounds!  The air sacs and branches in your lungs are now able to inflate, allowing you to take in air and breathe properly.  This is a huge milestone for you!  
     I have been feeling you move around a lot lately, sometimes it can be uncomfortable for me.  Last night, you kept me awake because you were moving so much.  Daddy felt you and was shocked at how strong you are!!  My back has been hurting a bit, but usually only when I've been on my feet for too long.  I've noticed a few Braxton Hicks contractions, or at least what I think are these "practice" contractions.  They don't last long and I haven't had enough to be concerned.  My body is just preparing for what is yet to come!
     Daddy left today for a West Coast road trip.  It was a bit hard to say goodbye even though he's only gone a week.  I imagine it will get harder and harder when he goes on road trips because I get nervous that something will happen when he's away.  Daddy has a way to keep me calm and free of any stress!  
     Keep growing strong and healthy little one... we will be seeing you in 9 days!  Your family is very excited to see what you are up to inside Mommy's belly.  I hope you heard Daddy and I tell you this today.... WE LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

30 weeks today ... 10 weeks to go!

Dear Abigail,
     You are getting bigger by the week!  At this point, you weigh almost 3 pounds and measure about 15.7 inches long.  As the weeks go on, you are taking up more room and it's starting to really show on Mommy.  Everyone keeps saying how tiny I am, but in these last weeks, it is common to gain a pound a week.  Hopefully I can stick to that and not much more!!  
     Lately I have been feeling pregnant... finally, right?!  Sometimes my stomach feels so tight like there is just no more room to grow!  My feet have been swollen at night a few times, but not too bad.... not yet.  Heartburn continues to be my biggest problem, with whatever I eat, but I've learned to take Tums with me wherever I go.  
     Feeling you move around is wonderful and I enjoy this part of my pregnancy so much.  At night before I go to sleep, you move so much and I feel as if it's our bonding time together.  I just lay there and think about you and what I think you will be like when you enter this world.  Sometimes you kick me right under my ribs... that isn't so comfortable, so maybe you could ease up a bit over in that area! :)
     Keep growing strong and healthy Baby Abby.   Your family loves you so much.  Daddy is already buying you cute little clothes and toys.  He can't wait to meet his little "Daddy's girl."
Family Shot ... taken in the bullpen at Camden Yards.  Next time Abby will be in the picture with us (instead of in Mommy's belly!)  :-)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dear Baby Squash...

Dear Baby Abigail,
     29 weeks today!  In the seventh month of pregnancy, your five senses are all functional and your brain and nervous system are going through major developments.  Throughout this month, you will be about the size of a squash, about 15.2 to 16.7 inches and will weigh between 2.5 and 3.8 pounds.  You will be almost 4 pounds when we reach the eighth month of pregnancy... wow!
     We had a doctors appointment (at our new practice) today to see how you were doing and the doctor was very pleased with everything.  Your heartbeat was strong and always makes me smile at such a beautiful sound.  I am going to start taking an additional iron supplement since I don't seem to be getting enough in my diet.  
     You have been quite the active little baby lately and I enjoy every second.  It is great to see and feel my belly move all around.  Every now and then, I feel you close to my ribs which is a bit uncomfortable!  Daddy felt you for the first time last week ... what a special moment for us to share.  Since then, his hands move towards my belly a lot and he's always asking about you... if you are napping or moving around.  :)  
     I've been feeling good lately.  Daddy had to get a massage for his back and shoulder the other day, so he was thoughtful enough to have one set up for me as well.  It was wonderful and really helped me with my lower back pain and leg cramps.  Yay Daddy!  Now if I could just figure out what foods cause my heartburn and constipation, things will be going great!  I can never win with either of these symptoms!!! Ugh.
     Keep growing strong and healthy little one... Max is doing his job as a big brother (yes, I know he's a dog) to protect you.  He follows me around and lays with me all the time.  He is going to love having a little girl to play with!! :)
Here is the dress you will wear home from the hospital... it's so ADORABLE!! :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A day to be remembered....

     Today would have been our due date for our first baby.  It seems crazy to think that we could have a little one of our own right at this moment.  However, it is such a blessing that a new little miracle came into our lives so soon after our miscarriage.  We are looking forward to meeting and holding you Abigail - our little Christmas Miracle! :)

28 weeks!!

Dear Abigail,
     Here we are at 28 weeks!  A lot has been changing over the last few weeks.  We are now in Baltimore with Daddy and Max, spending some time together, which has been really enjoyable.  I've also gotten to spend some time with family and look forward to being here for the rest of the summer.  It's great!  
     You are growing, growing, and growing some more!  You are measuring about 14.8 inches from the top of your head to your heels and weigh about 2.25 pounds.  At this stage, you can blink your eyes, which now have lashes and your eyesight is developing.  
     I got my results back from the glucose screening and all is well.  No worries with gestational diabetes thankfully. (and no more drinking that yucky, sugary stuff!!)  Blood results still show that I'm a bit anemic, so I'm trying to fit more iron into my diet.  
     I've been feeling great lately, feeling you kick and dance around.  Daddy felt you our first night together, but hasn't had any luck sense.  Whenever I feel you, I quickly tell him to put his hand on my belly... but then you stop moving!!  Daddy says it's okay because he wants you to be a sleeping baby! :)  (sleeping patterns are beginning to develop already)  He asked the other day if you knew his voice by now and I know you do.  It's great having Daddy around, isn't it?!  Last night was the first night, I didn't feel too well.  I had leg cramps throughout the night, shoulder pain, and was short of breath.  It really scared me but laying down helped and this morning I feel fine.  I can feel you moving around as I type. :)
     Keep growing strong and healthy little one.  Daddy and I are so excited to meet you ... and Max too.  I truly believe that he knows we are about to have a new addition to our family!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

27 Week Letter ... late again!

Dear Abigail,
     I have been so busy these last few days, it's been crazy!  I packed up my classroom, packed the things you and I would need, and then drove about 17 hours to Maryland.  Thanks to Granddad and Uncle Donnie, it made the trip a lot easier for me!  Your Daddy is so excited to see us and of course Max too!  Seeing family has also been so wonderful... it feels good to be back here so all of the family can experience this pregnancy right along with me!
     It is so exciting to think I am in the third trimester now and the days are going to start flying by, not like they haven't already.  You will be growing a lot in this last trimester (you are already just over 2 pounds!) and your brain, liver, and immune system are continuing to develop each day.  Your lungs are still immature, but would be capable of functioning in the outside world.  
     Feeling you move around and kick has been the most amazing part of this pregnancy.  I cannot wait to start sharing these moments with your Daddy.  It's going to be so special for us to be together during these times.  
     Keep growing strong and healthy little one.  We'll be seeing you in just a few weeks when we have another ultrasound done.  Daddy and I love you more and more each day.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dear Baby Eggplant...

Dear Abigail,
     With each day that passes, I am amazed at how fast this pregnancy seems to be moving along.  At 26 weeks, you are still about the size of an eggplant, measuring about 14 inches from head to heel and weighing almost 2 pounds!  I think you are having a growth spurt right now since I gained more weight this week than usual!!  After having your eyelids shut for quite some time, they will begin to open this week.  Blood vessels are starting to develop in your lungs, making your blood circulation completely functional at this point.  
     I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday, which was my last appointment with Dr. Towsley.  It's sad to think he won't be the one to deliver you, but we will soon be taken care of by another great doctor in Maryland.  Dr. Towsley has assured me he won't be retiring for a while and is willing to deliver a whole baseball team for us.  He's too funny.  At this appointment, I had the glucose screening done for gestational diabetes.  I'm hoping I passed because I would dread going back and drinking that straight sugar again.  YUCK!  Your heart was fluttering away with a healthy heartbeat and a couple kicks in between.  It was neat to hear that on the doppler.  I have now gained a total of 16 pounds ... whoa!  I'm trying to watch what I eat a little better, although the doc says I'm right where I should be for this stage of pregnancy... if not a bit under.  Good news!
     Well I've had a long day and another few long days ahead.  I'm getting your things packed little girl, so we can head to Maryland in just a few days.  I look forward to sharing the newest parts of pregnancy with your Daddy.  He will love to feel and see you move around.  Keep growing strong and healthy Abby!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Nursery... DONE!!

     Let me just say... I am in love with Abby's nursery.  It is absolutely adorable!!  Just a bit of background first.... Last year, I taught a student whose mom is an artist.  Lisa has done tons of murals and paintings around Sarasota and is truly talented.  Last year, she surprised me with a wooden painted giraffe for my classroom.  It's huge and beautiful and every morning stands on the boardwalk welcoming my kids into class.  Of course after seeing her work in person, I told her that when a little one comes along, I would love to have her do work for the nursery.  Sure enough, she was one of the first people I called when I knew we were having a little girl.  Lisa matched the flowers and butterflies perfectly to the bedding and theme of the room.  It is like a little garden or meadow for Abby to play in! Take a look!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dear Baby Eggplant...

Dear Abigail,
     At week 25, you've grown from the size of a papaya to the size of an eggplant!  You are probably measuring in between 13 and 15 inches long already, weighing between 1.5 and 2.2 pounds!  Wow baby!  Around this time, you are beginning to do a lot more with those tiny fingers of yours and can even make a fist.  Soon you will be able to touch and hold your own feet!  It's hard to believe that you are already preferring either your right or left hand when you use your fingers.  Will you be a righty?  I think so.
     I have been continuing to feel great and have been feeling you move all around.  I feel you the most as I'm waking up in the morning, on my car ride home from school, and when I'm starting to relax for the night... around 9 or so.  You already have a sleeping pattern and so far, it hasn't been keeping me up at night.  That's a good sign!
     I am so excited to see Daddy in just a few weeks.  I am really looking forward to him being able to feel you move.  He might even be able to hear your heartbeat if he rests his ear on my belly in just the right place.  You aren't even here yet, but I can already tell you will be Daddy's little girl.  He just sent a package with lots of cute outfits from Gymboree for you.  Such adorable dresses, shirts, skirts, with matching headband, bib, and sandals.  Daddy even said more was on the way.  He is spoiling us! :)
     With each passing day, I get more and more anxious to meet you Abby.  I keep wondering what you will be like and how you will look.  Keep growing strong and healthy little one!  

Uh oh- what happened?!

     Here is a funny (or not so funny) pregnancy story of the week.  On Monday, I wore my comfy Old Navy maternity jeans to school, which I have worn a handful of times already.  I was in the middle of teaching Reading when I bent over and felt a little rip.  So I reached to the back of my jeans, where the belly band meets the jeans and sure enough, not just a little rip.... no.... The band had completely detached from the jeans!!! I could feel underwear!!! It wasn't a big deal since I had a longer shirt on, but it surely made me think.... is my butt really getting that big, or are the jeans just made poorly?!?!  Hoping they were just made poorly, I headed to Old Navy yesterday to exchange the jeans and just in case I got the next size up.  Oh boy - here we go!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Abigail's First Shower

     Abigail's first shower was wonderful.  I am so blessed to work at a school with such great friends... it's really just one BIG family!  Here are a few pictures to capture the day!

The fabulous third grade team!  I will really miss them next year.... thank you ALL so much for EVERYTHING!!!

Adorable diaper cake centerpieces made by Kirsten.  So creative!

The cake sums it up perfectly.   Can't wait to meet you Abby :)

Diaper Wreath created by Shannon ... How will I ever be able to take it apart? It's too cute!

Vera Bradley adds life to any party! I love my new diaper bag!

Kirsten had me fooled...  I didn't think I was getting this gift!

"What a Mommy Should Always Do.  What a Mommy 
Should Never Do."
Written by Candice's Class - PRICELESS

Some of my favorite pages from the book ... 

According to Candice... "Nice polish.  Ankles not swollen."  I guess this is a good thing!