Here we are at 36 weeks.... and you may be ready to make your grand entrance into this world! Lately I have been feeling cramping and a lot of pressure as you push your way down. At our appointment today, the doctor said I was 1 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Yikes! I certainly didn't expect to hear this news, but was excited of course! Dr. Edwards said some women stay this way for a few weeks, while others progress a lot faster. She did say it would be a good idea to pack my hospital bag and to start watching for certain signs that may indicate active labor. She also said you have dropped a lot and that your head is very low. With my size and your position, Dr. Edwards doesn't think it will be too long - she said you will be here before my due date!! Yay! I have also lost two pounds since my last visit, which I have come to find happens often before your delivery.
I will go back to the doctors a week from today and we will check the progress and possibly schedule an induction so that we can be sure Daddy will be in town. We are so very anxious to meet you and hopefully it will be soon! Just stay in there a while longer little one, Daddy will be home from Toronto Sunday night. Mommy and Daddy want to be able to meet you together. :)

Liz! This is so exciting. It'd be wonderful if you went early, It'd spare you the last few weeks of "get this over, I'm sick of being pregnant!" Imagine for a second being pregnant for another 5 weeks...that was me, with Camdyn - overdue and miserable! You are also blessed to experience the losing weight at the end thing. That never happened to me. LOL! We'll be meeting her soon - I can hardly wait to meet Chloe's future best friend :)
Exciting news! I will be watching the progression on your blog!! Yes I think inducing would be nice so Daddy can be there for sure! Take care and we will be praying for you!!
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