You are getting bigger by the week! At this point, you weigh almost 3 pounds and measure about 15.7 inches long. As the weeks go on, you are taking up more room and it's starting to really show on Mommy. Everyone keeps saying how tiny I am, but in these last weeks, it is common to gain a pound a week. Hopefully I can stick to that and not much more!!
Lately I have been feeling pregnant... finally, right?! Sometimes my stomach feels so tight like there is just no more room to grow! My feet have been swollen at night a few times, but not too bad.... not yet. Heartburn continues to be my biggest problem, with whatever I eat, but I've learned to take Tums with me wherever I go.
Feeling you move around is wonderful and I enjoy this part of my pregnancy so much. At night before I go to sleep, you move so much and I feel as if it's our bonding time together. I just lay there and think about you and what I think you will be like when you enter this world. Sometimes you kick me right under my ribs... that isn't so comfortable, so maybe you could ease up a bit over in that area! :)
Keep growing strong and healthy Baby Abby. Your family loves you so much. Daddy is already buying you cute little clothes and toys. He can't wait to meet his little "Daddy's girl."

Family Shot ... taken in the bullpen at Camden Yards. Next time Abby will be in the picture with us (instead of in Mommy's belly!) :-)
1 comment:
I didn't see this picture before but boy doesn't Max look like he belongs!! Great picture!
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