Dear Baby,
You are becoming more and more mobile each day and spend a lot of your time yawning, hiccuping, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing. Since you are getting bigger, Mommy should be able to feel your movements soon. You are more sensitive to the outside world now and those little ears of yours can hear!! Soon enough you will get used to familiar sounds like my heartbeat, familiar voices, blood rushing through the umbilical cord, and other daily routine sounds. If you hear a loud sound, you may become startled so I will be careful as to not scare you!!
I think with each day that passes it's more noticeable that I'm pregnant. I'm popping out and it's been fun to wear some new clothes... any excuse to shop is a good one! I'm feeling a lot better these days... more energy and not as much morning sickness (although it's still there sometimes). I've been having heartburn the last three days straight and it's driving me nuts, but it sure beats getting sick everyday!!
I am so excited to see you tomorrow at our 18 week appointment. It will be a big change from the last time I saw you. I will do my best to not look, so I can hold off and find out if you are a little boy or a little girl with Daddy. We are really looking forward to Sunday to share in that special joy! I am flying to Baltimore this Saturday to spend a whole week with your Daddy, both sets of your grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins! It will be a lot of fun and I'm sure full of excitement.
See you tomorrow little one... please cooperate for Dr. Towsley!!
Any last minute thoughts... what do you think? Girl? Boy?
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