Dear Baby Girl,
Your Daddy and I are very excited to know that we are going to have a sweet, little girl to add to our family! Knowing this has made things seem so real and we are already thinking ahead to what your nursery will look like, the little outfits you will wear, and possible names for you. So fun!
The development of your fetal brain is continuing to grow and it was neat to see the different parts of your brain at our last appointment. Your kidneys are fully functioning and producing urine, which you pass into the amniotic fluid. You are now protected by Vernix, a milky white coating. This coating prevents your skin from becoming pickled inside the amniotic fluid.
I'm starting to feel great! At 19 weeks, I have gotten a lot of my energy back... I was even up until midnight last night, an hour I haven't seen in months! I've had some pinching and pulling sensations lately, so I know I'm making room for you as you grow. (and it's starting to show!) Heartburn comes and goes, but not too bad, especially when I have my Tums nearby!
Keep growing strong and healthy Baby Girl, it was wonderful to see you last week. You looked like you were having fun and moving all around. I just wish you would let me know how much fun you are having in there.... I want to feel you move!!! :-)
One more thing .... Daddy and I made our second big purchase for you (other than nursery furniture). I hope you like your new bedding!!
Love Bird pattern by Bananafish
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