Dear Baby,
We have made it to the second trimester! What a HUGE milestone and let me tell you... it feels so great! At fourteen weeks, you can now squint, frown, grimace, suck your thumb, and wiggle your toes. Your liver, kidneys and spleen are continuing to develop and although it's not as cute as toe wiggling, you are making urine and breathing amniotic fluid. You are also starting to develop lanugo, which is a light covering of hair all over your body. This coating of hair will keep your little body warm.
I haven't felt you move yet since you are only the size of a lemon, but you are punching and kicking away and much more flexible and active than the week before. In the next few weeks, maybe I'll start to feel little flutters. How exciting!
Luckily, I have started to feel better this past week. Still tired by 8, but not feeling as queasy throughout the day and not getting sick in the morning (as often). Thank you Baby!! I'm still wanting pizza, pizza, and more pizza! I know I need to eat healthier and I have started to do that for you. However, I did make homemade pizza tonight.... BUT I put ground beef on top. At least I'm eating more red meat per doctors orders! HA! I am snacking on fruit throughout the day and it's been so tasty.
Today, a friend at work came up to me and put her hand on my belly. She was just checking for a bump... there is a little one, but I have a feeling it's going to be much more noticeable in just a few weeks. I'm anxious and excited for everyone to know I'm having a baby!! I'm now really looking forward to feeling you move around... I can't even imagine the thrill that will give me the first time I feel a kick or a punch. Come on baby!!! Keep growing strong and healthy little one. Mommy and Daddy love you so much.
Oh yeah... my new ticker changes (the start of a new week) are on Wednesdays now! I didn't realize I was late by a day, since Dr. Towsley moved my due date up a day. So now I will be looking forward to writing letters on Wednesdays instead. :)
Oh - baby lemon that is so sweet. I think I'm carrying baby melon (watermelon)? I can't remember what kind of melon I have, but it's a big one! You're going to love the 2nd trimester, this is when pregnancy really get fun! I'm waiting to see a posting of all of the names that are on your list of considerables :)
Babies are such a miracle and then to see the sonogram pictures just proves it! I love your blog and the ever increasing fruit analogies. Very clever of your to journal that way. Your tummy is adorable. I love to see pregnant women glowing with life. I'm following so I'll keep posted!
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