I'm not sure how an avocado is bigger than an orange, maybe lengthwise? Hmmm. You are about 4.6 inches and 3.5 ounces at 16 weeks. You are still growing so fast week by week! Tiny bones are now forming in your ears so you will be able to hear my voice. Now when I talk to you, I will feel like you are listening to Mommy! Eyebrows, lashes, and hair are starting to fill in and your little toenails may even be forming.
Mommy is starting to get a little bump... I have a feeling that in the next few weeks, I am going to "pop" and it will become more noticeable for others to know I'm pregnant. We'll see! The last few days haven't been the greatest. On Sunday, I wasn't able to keep any food down except for chicken noodle soup and ginger ale. Then Monday, I started getting a bad cough, along with other cold-like symptoms. Still today, I don't feel my best. I'm hanging in there though and am trying to eat some good food for you. I've been feeling these twinges or little pains in my sides when I cough sometimes. I asked the nurse if I should be concerned and she said I was probably just feeling you! I'm not sure if I really have been, but it's neat to think that it is the time for that to be starting!! :) My newest pregnancy symptom that I am not a fan of, second to acne.... is nose bleeds! YUCK!
I'm going to go and get some rest now. I want to get better for you, I'm sorry I'm coughing so much... I hope I'm not interrupting one of your naps! Take care little one and Mommy will be better for you soon!
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