Dear Baby,

It was so great to see you again today! You had a strong heartbeat, moving so fast that Daddy said it looked like you were playing the cymbals. Dr. Towsley said everything looked great and that you even have four legs! Four legs?! That's what I said, "Four legs?"... and he obviously meant four limbs. It was too funny! At 9 weeks, you are truly beginning to look like a baby with basic physical structures in place and your facial features are looking more distinct. Since we were just checking on how things were progressing, we didn't use the high-tech ultrasound machine, but we still got a blurry picture of you from my cell phone.
This week has been quite the week. Morning sickness has taken over and I've been getting sick almost every morning and feeling sick again at night. This morning I couldn't even keep Raisin Bran down. Ugh! In just a few weeks, I won't be feeling like this anymore. Dr. Towsley told Daddy that the next time I want pizza to just say "Yes, dear..." I love his way of thinking and I hope your Daddy takes his advice. Give me a piece of pizza and nobody gets hurt!
Grandad Rowland helped Daddy put together your crib today. It's beautiful! We wanted to get the furniture ready for you since Daddy will be leaving soon to start another year of baseball. You are going to love his games! I will see you in just 4 weeks.... keep growing strong little Baby. We love you so much.

Baby Johnson @ 9 weeks
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