Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Great, BIG, news!!!

For the past few weeks, Jim and I have been very anxious for this day to come.  We had our first ultrasound to see our little Baby.  Today started off kind of rough, not feeling so good and then noticed that I was spotting a bit.  It scared me, worried me, and made me overanalyze everything because this is how it started last time. I called Jim and he reassured me that the doctor said that this can sometimes be normal.  

We waited what seemed like forever in the waiting room full of other cute pregnant ladies.  Once we got back to our room, I was able to calm my nerves down a bit.  In just a few minutes, Jim and I were looking at our Baby for the very first time!  The doctor said everything looked great and I was measuring almost right on.  Seeing the heartbeat was amazing and made everything feel real...finally.  We don't know why I was spotting, but we are thrilled that everything looked great.  Dr. Towsley said that statistics show that after seeing the heartbeat, the chances of a miscarriage decreases to 1 in 10.  (90% chance of everything going well)  That is much better than 1 and 4!!

Jim and I go back for our nine week appointment January 29th.  Only 2 weeks until we get to see our little Gummi Bear again!! (Dr. Towsley said now and in the next few weeks, the baby will look like this...)   This is officially the most pregnant I have been! YAY for milestones!!

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