Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dear Baby Onion...

Dear Baby, 
     Things are still changing rapidly at 17 weeks.  Your skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone and the umbilical cord is growing stronger and thicker.  Your eyes are facing more forward and your ears are almost in their final position.  You are becoming quite the flexible baby, with the ability to move your head, mouth, lips, arms, wrists, hands, legs, feet, and toes!  
     I have finally gotten rid of the cold that had me feeling pretty yucky last week.  Hopefully it stays away!  I have been waiting to feel you move and last week I experienced some weird feelings in my lower abdomen, especially when I would cough.  I asked the nurse if  I should be concerned because sometimes it was more of a painful sensation.  She said I could be feeling you move around, that it was nothing to worry about.... we'll see!  
    One of my sweet students brought in some gifts for you yesterday.  She gave you some outfits, a cute little chick toy, and a Pooh backpack for Mommy.  It was really special that she thought of you!  We also received an unexpected gift today from Carol's parents..... your stroller and car seat!!!  It was their way of saying thank you since they have been staying at our house while visiting Florida.  It was such a thoughtful and kind gesture, even though they went above and beyond.  It was such a surprise!!!! 
     Keep growing strong and healthy little one.... I'll see you next week! 

Here is a picture of the stroller travel system.  It was exactly the one I wanted.... and I am in LOVE with it!!!  It is orange, beige, and white.  The inside has orange polka dots with white outlines.  SO CUTE!
Baby Trend Travel System - Orange Oak - Baby Trend  - Babies"R"UsBaby Trend Travel System - Orange Oak - Baby Trend  - Babies"R"Us

Monday, March 23, 2009

Spreading the news...

     For the past month or so, I have been extremely anxious to share our special news with my students.  I wasn't sure when the right time would be or how long I should wait, but either way I figured the time would just "feel" right.  That feeling came today and I was super excited to share the exciting news with my class.  
     A while ago, I created a math worksheet that not only would help my kids with multiplication and division, but would have a riddle to go along with the fun.  As they found answers to these problems, they had to match a letter with the answers at the bottom to solve a riddle that if correct would read, "Mrs. Johnson is having a baby!!"  Having that ready and in a special place, I decided to pull it out today after a draining day of teaching expanded form for decimals greater than one.  I told my kids this was just a practice sheet so we can get better for our fourth grade fact drills and there would be a fun message at the end.  I told them it was kind of "good gossip" and that I bet they would be really excited to be the first one done and the first one to know the gossip that only some people at Gocio knew.  Well they totally bought into it and I have never seen them race to finish so fast!!  Jasmine was the first to finish and very excited to spread the word.  It was truly a special moment and the reaction that I received was wonderful!

     Here are just a few of the reactions from my lovely bunch:
              - "Mrs. Johnson, I don't get it... you aren't fat!"
              - "Is it a boy? Is it a girl? Can WE name it?!?!"
              - "Will the baby come and play with us at school?"

           And this one happens to be my favorite.....
              - "Does Mr. Johnson know about this?!"

     The kids responded exactly how I had hoped... they truly are loving kids.  As we hugged and high-fived goodbye today, one student rubbed my stomach.  I didn't feel so comfortable with this, so I quickly told the class that when they hug me, they are also hugging the baby, that no rubs were needed!  Also, another little girl looked right at my stomach and said "Bye, Baby."  Awww no matter how some kids can really push your buttons and test your limits, they are full of love, just waiting to be shared! :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dear Baby Avocado...

Dear Baby,
     I'm not sure how an avocado is bigger than an orange, maybe lengthwise?  Hmmm.  You are about 4.6 inches and 3.5 ounces at 16 weeks.  You are still growing so fast week by week!  Tiny bones are now forming in your ears so you will be able to hear my voice.  Now when I talk to you, I will feel like you are listening to Mommy!  Eyebrows, lashes, and hair are starting to fill in and your little toenails may even be forming.  
     Mommy is starting to get a little bump... I have a feeling that in the next few weeks, I am going to "pop" and it will become more noticeable for others to know I'm pregnant.  We'll see!  The last few days haven't been the greatest.  On Sunday, I wasn't able to keep any food down except for chicken noodle soup and ginger ale.  Then Monday, I started getting a bad cough, along with other cold-like symptoms.  Still today, I don't feel my best.  I'm hanging in there though and am trying to eat some good food for you.  I've been feeling these twinges or little pains in my sides when I cough sometimes.  I asked the nurse if I should be concerned and she said I was probably just feeling you!  I'm not sure if I really have been, but it's neat to think that it is the time for that to be starting!! :) My newest pregnancy symptom that I am not a fan of, second to acne.... is nose bleeds! YUCK! 
     I'm going to go and get some rest now.  I want to get better for you, I'm sorry I'm coughing so much... I hope I'm not interrupting one of your naps!  Take care little one and Mommy will be better for you soon!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Let's talk pregnancy dreams...

     Wow... pregnancy dreams are crazy, vivid, and sometimes make no sense!  One of these crazy dreams that still stands out happened about two weeks ago.  I was driving my car on a airport runway and at the time, this didn't even seem out of the ordinary.  Then, all of a sudden a space shuttle took off right in front of me.  This thing was so close to my car that I could literally feel the heat and the wind from it!!  It was the weirdest and scariest dream because it felt like it was really happening.  So what does this dream mean?  I don't know.... that I'm following my dreams, watching my dreams take off, my life is blasting off to a new chapter? Who knows, but I do know that it was quite interesting!
     Another crazy dream that I had this weekend woke me up a bit startled.  I'm not sure where I was or what I was doing, but I remember I had little drops of blood coming from my pores on my skin.  It was random... around my ankles, knees, on my arms.  Now this was only enough blood to create little droplets so it wasn't some kind of gory nightmare.  So noticing this, I went to my doctor and he said it was all a part of pregnancy... just to keep tissues with me at all times.  Hmmm, definitely not sure about this one!
     I have so many dreams, but the last one I'll share made me wonder if I'm having a baby girl.  It was kind of a fast forward kind of dream because my neighbors daughter was in it, but she was a little girl instead of a tiny baby.  Well, I guess she was here playing with our little one in our nursery.  However, the room was overwhelming pink.  Pink walls, pink bedding, pink toys.... is it a girl?!  
     Like I said... pregnancy dreams are crazy, vivid, and sometimes make no sense!
                                 Sweet Dreams!      

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dear Baby Orange...

Dear Baby,
     I can't believe how fast you are growing!  You are now about 4 inches in length and weigh about 2.5 ounces.  Your legs are growing longer than your arms and you are able to move all joints and limbs.  Your eyelids are still fused shut to protect you but you are able to recognize light without them being open.  You have also formed taste buds this week, so I promise I'll feed you tasty food!  
     Since moving into the second trimester, I have been feeling better overall.  Energy is starting to come back and feeling nauseated comes and goes.  Some days, I feel perfectly great.. others, symptoms come back and remind me of your wonderful existence!  Some days, like this morning, there is no chance to even get to food before I can sense that feeling coming on..... and over the toilet I go.  YUCK!  
     So I don't think I'm necessarily starting to show, although I'm noticing changes with my tummy.  It's not as flat as it used to be and there seems to be a bigger bulge hanging over my regular pants.  Yesterday was the first time I wore maternity pants and I was so comfortable all day!  No muffin top, just round belly!!!  
     I'm really looking forward to seeing your Daddy this weekend... and I know he is looking forward to seeing "us."  It will be another special weekend of family time! :)  Keep growing strong and healthy for us and keep wiggling around ... I will feel you soon enough, just keep trying to get my attention!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Babies, babies, babies!

     It seems like everywhere I looked or went this weekend, there were babies and more babies!  I loved it!  On Saturday night, Jessi, Jamie, and I threw Carol a baby shower.  It was a night full of fun... wearing our comfy pajamas, eating junk food (including pizza!) and sharing stories about pregnancies and babies, along with a lot of laughs.  I heard a lot of interesting things .... some that make me more excited about the whole experience and others... well let's just say more realistic things that happen to our bodies as time changes! 

Diaper Cake I made for Carol ... full of diapers and hidden goodies!

     Today, Carol and I went shopping for last minute baby supplies for her little Chloe.  She will be making her grand appearance in just 11 days!  I can't believe how fast time has gone.  Seems like just yesterday, we were sitting at Rico's Pizzeria when she spilled the news.  I am so anxious to meet the new addition to the Piersoll family!  On our adventures today, I couldn't turn this baby outfit down.  It's for a boy... but if we have a little girl, she will wear it and wear a red bow! It's very fitting and I think Daddy will really like it. :)

So cute... isn't it?!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dear Baby Lemon...

Dear Baby,
     We have made it to the second trimester!  What a HUGE milestone and let me tell you... it feels so great!  At fourteen weeks, you can now squint, frown, grimace, suck your thumb, and wiggle your toes.   Your liver, kidneys and spleen are continuing to develop and although it's not as cute as toe wiggling, you are making urine and breathing amniotic fluid.  You are also starting to develop lanugo, which is a light covering of hair all over your body.  This coating of hair will keep your little body warm.  
     I haven't felt you move yet since you are only the size of a lemon, but you are punching and kicking away and much more flexible and active than the week before.  In the next few weeks, maybe I'll start to feel little flutters.  How exciting!
     Luckily, I have started to feel better this past week.  Still tired by 8, but not feeling as queasy throughout the day and not getting sick in the morning (as often).  Thank you Baby!!  I'm still wanting pizza, pizza, and more pizza!  I know I need to eat healthier and I have started to do that for you.  However, I did make homemade pizza tonight.... BUT I put ground beef on top.  At least I'm eating more red meat per doctors orders! HA!  I am snacking on fruit throughout the day and it's been so tasty.  
     Today, a friend at work came up to me and put her hand on my belly.  She was just checking for a bump... there is a little one, but I have a feeling it's going to be much more noticeable in just a few weeks.  I'm anxious and excited for everyone to know I'm having a baby!!  I'm now really looking forward to feeling you move around... I can't even imagine the thrill that will give me the first time I feel a kick or a punch.  Come on baby!!! Keep growing strong and healthy little one.  Mommy and Daddy love you so much.

Oh yeah... my new ticker changes (the start of a new week) are on Wednesdays now!  I didn't realize I was late by a day, since Dr. Towsley moved my due date up a day.  So now I will be looking forward to writing letters on Wednesdays instead. :)