Dear Baby,
I wish I could say that we are in the second trimester at 12 weeks today, but I've read so many different dates as to when it officially starts. 12 weeks, 13 weeks 3 days, 14 weeks... which one?! I'm going to go with the middle, 13 weeks. Either way, I feel like 12 weeks marks a huge milestone for us and I am thrilled to be this pregnant!
I get so excited for Thursdays to roll around so I can find out what you are up to. You have now grown to be about 2.5 inches. I can't feel you move around yet, but you are opening and closing your mouth, moving your fingers and toes, and kicking all around. This week you are developing reflexes and your skin is very sensitive (much like Mommy's right now)! Your brain is fully formed allowing you to feel pain and suck your thumb. Tiny eyelids cover your eyes and will stay shut until the seventh month to protect you... you are so delicate! If I haven't said it already, which I know I have a million times... you amaze me!
I'm starting to feel a little better and haven't gotten sick in a few days. Please, please, please stay away! I've had some headaches lately, I think it's a way to remind me to eat healthier for you. Still wanting pizza. Everyday. My pants are starting to get a bit snug.... but I haven't gained any weight in two weeks. I guess I'm just stretching a bit to make your home more comfortable.
Keep growing strong and healthy little baby. I'm off to eat (take a guess ... yes, pizza!) with the Piersoll family! :)
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