I feel so blessed to be almost 13 weeks. Today was my doctor's appointment for the first part of the prenatal screening process. Carol went along with me since Jim couldn't be here for the appointment. I was glad to have her tag along since I tense up a bit before these appointments. Hopefully after today, I can just be excited!
Everything looked great. Our little baby has changed so much and looks so cute just relaxing away. It seemed to be nap time today, so we didn't see too many flips or kicks. The ultrasound tech had me cough to try to make the baby move a bit, but my coughs were too weak I guess. I didn't want to cough too hard... I was afraid I would lose my lunch! Carol pointed out that it looked like the baby had hiccups and sure enough it did seem that way. Baby would move up a bit and then fall, three seconds later, move up.. then fall. It went on for a minute or so. So cute!
During the ultrasound, the nasal bone was found and measured, along with the back of the neck. These measurements help the doctors know the chances of the baby being born with Downs Syndrome. All of the measurements looked great and the baby looks healthy!
As for me, Dr. Towsley said I was borderline anemic and "it wouldn't hurt to eat some steak." I don't think he meant the cheese steak sub I had tonight for dinner. Oops!! I need to start eating a bit more meat, hopefully my appetite for that will change soon. Everything else checked out good with all my bloodwork from last time. My thyroid looks great and Dr. Towsley said... "you must be staying off the crack." Why yes, I believe so. I like how he jokes around and makes himself very easy and comfortable to be around.
Ok, here's what you have really been waiting for. Introducing Baby Johnson at 13 weeks ... might I add, our baby is such a cutie already!

Nap time... ahh there is plenty of room to get comfy in here!

Time to flip around ... but still sleep.

Baby is showing off a perfect spinal cord here.