Wednesday, June 24, 2009

30 weeks today ... 10 weeks to go!

Dear Abigail,
     You are getting bigger by the week!  At this point, you weigh almost 3 pounds and measure about 15.7 inches long.  As the weeks go on, you are taking up more room and it's starting to really show on Mommy.  Everyone keeps saying how tiny I am, but in these last weeks, it is common to gain a pound a week.  Hopefully I can stick to that and not much more!!  
     Lately I have been feeling pregnant... finally, right?!  Sometimes my stomach feels so tight like there is just no more room to grow!  My feet have been swollen at night a few times, but not too bad.... not yet.  Heartburn continues to be my biggest problem, with whatever I eat, but I've learned to take Tums with me wherever I go.  
     Feeling you move around is wonderful and I enjoy this part of my pregnancy so much.  At night before I go to sleep, you move so much and I feel as if it's our bonding time together.  I just lay there and think about you and what I think you will be like when you enter this world.  Sometimes you kick me right under my ribs... that isn't so comfortable, so maybe you could ease up a bit over in that area! :)
     Keep growing strong and healthy Baby Abby.   Your family loves you so much.  Daddy is already buying you cute little clothes and toys.  He can't wait to meet his little "Daddy's girl."
Family Shot ... taken in the bullpen at Camden Yards.  Next time Abby will be in the picture with us (instead of in Mommy's belly!)  :-)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dear Baby Squash...

Dear Baby Abigail,
     29 weeks today!  In the seventh month of pregnancy, your five senses are all functional and your brain and nervous system are going through major developments.  Throughout this month, you will be about the size of a squash, about 15.2 to 16.7 inches and will weigh between 2.5 and 3.8 pounds.  You will be almost 4 pounds when we reach the eighth month of pregnancy... wow!
     We had a doctors appointment (at our new practice) today to see how you were doing and the doctor was very pleased with everything.  Your heartbeat was strong and always makes me smile at such a beautiful sound.  I am going to start taking an additional iron supplement since I don't seem to be getting enough in my diet.  
     You have been quite the active little baby lately and I enjoy every second.  It is great to see and feel my belly move all around.  Every now and then, I feel you close to my ribs which is a bit uncomfortable!  Daddy felt you for the first time last week ... what a special moment for us to share.  Since then, his hands move towards my belly a lot and he's always asking about you... if you are napping or moving around.  :)  
     I've been feeling good lately.  Daddy had to get a massage for his back and shoulder the other day, so he was thoughtful enough to have one set up for me as well.  It was wonderful and really helped me with my lower back pain and leg cramps.  Yay Daddy!  Now if I could just figure out what foods cause my heartburn and constipation, things will be going great!  I can never win with either of these symptoms!!! Ugh.
     Keep growing strong and healthy little one... Max is doing his job as a big brother (yes, I know he's a dog) to protect you.  He follows me around and lays with me all the time.  He is going to love having a little girl to play with!! :)
Here is the dress you will wear home from the hospital... it's so ADORABLE!! :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A day to be remembered....

     Today would have been our due date for our first baby.  It seems crazy to think that we could have a little one of our own right at this moment.  However, it is such a blessing that a new little miracle came into our lives so soon after our miscarriage.  We are looking forward to meeting and holding you Abigail - our little Christmas Miracle! :)

28 weeks!!

Dear Abigail,
     Here we are at 28 weeks!  A lot has been changing over the last few weeks.  We are now in Baltimore with Daddy and Max, spending some time together, which has been really enjoyable.  I've also gotten to spend some time with family and look forward to being here for the rest of the summer.  It's great!  
     You are growing, growing, and growing some more!  You are measuring about 14.8 inches from the top of your head to your heels and weigh about 2.25 pounds.  At this stage, you can blink your eyes, which now have lashes and your eyesight is developing.  
     I got my results back from the glucose screening and all is well.  No worries with gestational diabetes thankfully. (and no more drinking that yucky, sugary stuff!!)  Blood results still show that I'm a bit anemic, so I'm trying to fit more iron into my diet.  
     I've been feeling great lately, feeling you kick and dance around.  Daddy felt you our first night together, but hasn't had any luck sense.  Whenever I feel you, I quickly tell him to put his hand on my belly... but then you stop moving!!  Daddy says it's okay because he wants you to be a sleeping baby! :)  (sleeping patterns are beginning to develop already)  He asked the other day if you knew his voice by now and I know you do.  It's great having Daddy around, isn't it?!  Last night was the first night, I didn't feel too well.  I had leg cramps throughout the night, shoulder pain, and was short of breath.  It really scared me but laying down helped and this morning I feel fine.  I can feel you moving around as I type. :)
     Keep growing strong and healthy little one.  Daddy and I are so excited to meet you ... and Max too.  I truly believe that he knows we are about to have a new addition to our family!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

27 Week Letter ... late again!

Dear Abigail,
     I have been so busy these last few days, it's been crazy!  I packed up my classroom, packed the things you and I would need, and then drove about 17 hours to Maryland.  Thanks to Granddad and Uncle Donnie, it made the trip a lot easier for me!  Your Daddy is so excited to see us and of course Max too!  Seeing family has also been so wonderful... it feels good to be back here so all of the family can experience this pregnancy right along with me!
     It is so exciting to think I am in the third trimester now and the days are going to start flying by, not like they haven't already.  You will be growing a lot in this last trimester (you are already just over 2 pounds!) and your brain, liver, and immune system are continuing to develop each day.  Your lungs are still immature, but would be capable of functioning in the outside world.  
     Feeling you move around and kick has been the most amazing part of this pregnancy.  I cannot wait to start sharing these moments with your Daddy.  It's going to be so special for us to be together during these times.  
     Keep growing strong and healthy little one.  We'll be seeing you in just a few weeks when we have another ultrasound done.  Daddy and I love you more and more each day.