Dear Abigail,
Here we are.... full term at 37 weeks! I can't believe you've gone from the size of a poppy seed to the size (weight) of a watermelon. You've come a long way in preparing for your life outside the womb.
I went to the doctors on Wednesday, at exactly 37 weeks and no progress had been made since the week before. I am still 1 cm dilated and 80% effaced, which still can change quickly or take a few weeks. We'll wait for you to decide when the time is right! I have been feeling the same since last week, a lot of pressure and cramping, more and more Braxton Hicks contractions. Just waiting for the real deal .... Earlier this week, I treated myself to a wonderful pedicure. It felt great to sit back and relax and now my feet are ready for delivery! Daddy said it was a good idea for me to get pampered a bit, I think partially so he didn't have to do it, although he did say he would! Brownie points, either way. It must have been a good pedicure too because the first thing the doctor noticed this week was my toes!! :)
Daddy leaves on Tuesday for a long road trip. I hope you stay settled a little longer so he will be home when you decide to make your way into this world. I pray that if he is away, he has enough time to get back home to us.
Our whole family, lots of friends, and especially me and Daddy are so anxious and excited to meet you. Stay healthy and strong... we'll see you soon!